Experian (R)SupplierCheckReports (TM)
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Common Questions and Answers


I don't understand the data in the report. Who can I call for help?
Call Experian's customer service at 800 520 1221.

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What is the Supplier Evaluation Rating?
The supplier evaluation rating helps companies assess potential financial risk in their supply base. The supplier evaluation rating uses advanced statistical techniques to predict the likelihood of a supplier business exhibiting signs of financial stress in the next 12 months by becoming seriously delinquent or bankrupt. "Seriously delinquent" is defined as more than 91 days beyond terms or bankrupt.

A supplier evaluation rating is derived from Experian's proprietary commercial risk ranking model which utilizes more than 100 variables – including tradeline, collections information, public filings, new account activity, key financial ratios, and other performance indicators. The supplier evaluation rating is determined by applying an additional set of rules intended for supply base management.

The following table is designed to help you understand the different rating levels as you use the supplier evaluation rating:

RatingBad rate
by rating
Odds of
goods to
one bad
Sample Supplier Evaluation Rating Image

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How is the Supplier Evaluation Rating determined?
Experian's Supplier Evaluation Rating is determined through a statistically derived algorithm that determines risk based on multiple factors:

-Credit: number of trade experiences, balances outstanding, payment habits, credit utilization, trends over time
-Public records: recency, frequency and dollar amounts associated with liens, judgments, bankruptcies
-Demographic information: years on file, Standard Industrial Classification code, business size

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Why is there no Supplier Evaluation Rating for a company?
Experian requires minimum information to generate a rating; so if a business doesn't meet these requirements, a rating is not generated.  Minimum information is at least one tradeline and/or one demographic element. 

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Is there a glossary of terms used on SupplierCheckReports?
Yes, there is a glossary of terms used on SupplierCheckReports. You may want to print this glossary and keep it with any printed reports you purchase.

Click here to see our glossary of terms.

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I forgot to save or print a report. Can I see it again later without paying twice?
Yes, the cached copy (the copy you originally saw) is available for seven days following the purchase using the 'My Companies' function on the site.

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My company's Supplier Check Report contains incorrect information. What should I do?
If you believe that your company's SupplierCheckReports.com report contains inaccurate information, you can initiate an update to your company details by using Experian's www.BusinessCreditFacts.com website.

Simply click here to begin this process.

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If I purchase a Supplier Evaluation Plus or Supplier Evaluation report, will it tell me what companies the supplier owes money to?
Actual tradeline company names are not displayed, but rather business category names will appear. For example, if the supplier is 60 DBT (days beyond terms) with "ACME CELL COMMUNICATIONS", the entry may appear as "TELECOM ... 60DBT".

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I purchased a report for the wrong supplier. How can I apply for a refund on the purchase of this report?
Click here to contact us at Supplier Check Reports.

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I'm seeing messages that my Supplier Check Reports account is locked when I try to login. What should I do?
Click here to contact us at Supplier Check Reports.

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I received an email from Supplier Check Reports saying that I changed my password or email address when I didn't. What should I do?
Click here to contact us at Supplier Check Reports.

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How do I get my printer to show all the colors used in your reports?
Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) typically is not set to print background color or images, including table cell colors. On IE's Print Preview, our color charts will show as white table cells with black text. To get the table cells colored backgrounds to print, click on the browser's Tools menu. Select Internet Options, then click on the Advanced tab. Scroll down to find the Printing heading and check the box called Print Background Colors and Images. This setting affects both page backgrounds and table cell backgrounds.

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I am seeing a large red-X in place of each chart in my report print-out. How do I correct this?
Please use the "PRINT" button located at the bottom of all our reports. If you are still seeing the red-X then use the "EMAIL" button also found at the bottom of the report to send yourself a copy in PDF format; print this copy when it arrives in your email program.

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When is the Supplier Check Reports service available?
SupplierCheckReports.com Hours of Operation:

The system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Why should I choose Supplier Check Reports rather than the competitors?
Supplier Check Reports provides value by delivering timely and accurate data from Experian with nationwide coverage. Supplier Check Reports offers competitive low prices and easy-to-read reports.

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How often does Supplier Check Reports update its information?
Supplier Check Reports provides access to Experian's business database in real time. Experian receives public record information from government and vendor sources on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly schedule.

Once Experian receives public record updates from the government or vendor sources, turnaround time for formatting, cleansing and loading data is generally 48 to 72 hours. Turnaround time for bankruptcy reports being available online is typically within 24 hours of the original filing.

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Where does Supplier Check Reports get its information?
Supplier Check Reports accesses Experian's business database in real time. Experian collects credit obligation information from thousands of businesses nationwide. These businesses are typically the suppliers or lenders with which a company has existing financial relationships.

Experian also collects legal filings from the various local, county and state courts across the United States. Company background information is collected from a variety of independent firms. Experian does not display information directly from a company about its business, unless that information has been verified.

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In the Business Summary, what do the CAUTIONWARNINGGOOD next to each item mean?
Supplier Check Reports utilizes color icons to show, in graphical terms, individual items that may impact the overall creditworthiness of a company. Good (GOOD), caution (CAUTION), and warning (WARNING) are our choice of icons. Below is how we determine which icon to show based on specific criteria for each item.

Bankruptcies:0 filed = GOOD; 1 or more filed, 0 active = CAUTION; 1 or more active = WARNING.
Liens:0 filed = GOOD; 2 or less filed = CAUTION; > 2 filed = WARNING.
Judgments:0 filed = GOOD; 2 or less filed = CAUTION; > 2 filed = WARNING.
Collections:1 or less filed and 0 active = GOOD; 4 or less filed and 1 or less active = CAUTION; more than one active or more than 4 filed = WARNING.

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What are public records?
Business public records are records of actions or incidents filed or recorded with a government agency for tax and other regulatory requirements. These records are made available to the public to better protect the interests of the filer.

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How do businesses benefit from using public records to make business decisions?
Financial services, insurance, real estate, legal and professional services, telecommunications, transportation, Fortune 1000 companies and small businesses use public records to reduce business credit risk and manage liability and fraud.

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Does Supplier Check Reports provide tax liens, judgments and bankruptcies on businesses nationwide?
Supplier Check Reports provides access to Experian's business database. Experian provides tax liens, judgments and bankruptcies on businesses nationwide.

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How does Supplier Check Reports ensure that its information is accurate?
Supplier Check Reports provides access to Experian's business database. Experian uses leading technologies to format, cleanse and load data that is acquired directly from government sources and industry leading vendors.

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Do I need to pay for hardware, software or installation to use Supplier Check Reports?
You can start using Supplier Check Reports today by accessing us through your Web browser. There is no additional hardware or software to purchase or install.

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How do I sign up for Supplier Check Reports?
Signing up is fast and easy. You sign up by clicking on the Member Login link located on the top of most of our pages and following the Create Account link.

You don't have to be registered first to locate a company in our database. Non-members interested in purchasing a report will automatically be directed to login or register.

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What are the minimum browser requirements for Supplier Check Reports?
This website has been designed to work with the current revision browsers including: Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.

Your browser must be configured to allow for session cookies and javascript; by default, all of these browsers automatically accept session cookies and javascript. If your browser is not configured to accept session cookies or javascript, please update your browser settings to accept these on our website, or contact your support specialist.

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Can I search for a company using the Experian BIN?
Yes, you can search for a company using the Experian BIN by clicking here.

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I have submitted changes to my Supplier Check Report. How soon will my report be updated?
Changes, once loaded by Experian into the Experian business information file, will have an immediate impact on the Supplier Check Report. Approved requests for updated supplier evaluation information are loaded weekly over the weekends. However, depending on the nature of the request, investigation and approval of the requested update can take up to 30 or 60 days. For example, a simple demographic update to business street address will not take as long to investigate, approve and process as it would to dispute trade credit detail.

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Why did the supplier evaluation rating drop when I do not see any significant changes in the Supplier Check Report?
It is not uncommon for a supplier evaluation rating to fluctuate slightly. Experian’s proprietary model for supplier evaluations looks at over 140 modeling variables to derive the supplier evaluation rating, so there are other factors beyond what is displayed on the SupplierCheckReport that can cause a rating to slightly change or shift.

Factors include, but are not limited to:

  • The presence of derogatory public records on the business profile, such as collections, liens, judgments and bankruptcies
  • The status, recent status, frequency and dollar amounts of any applicable liens, judgments, or bankruptcies
  • An increased trend in slow payment of obligations
  • The number of trade experiences, balances outstanding, payment habits, credit utilization, and trends over time
  • Years in business, line of business or Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), size of business and other demographic data

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